Thursday, 30 May 2013



Hey guys, I did an exhibition recently. it was pretty good. I have a new blog address now, I find it hard to keep everything updated so im posting over at as its an easier blog platform for me to update quickly. this will live on as an archive, but if you want to see new things head over there!

Thursday, 24 January 2013

A few new things are in my etsy shop oday - some razorboxes and a few prints! -

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Being and Everythiness!

We made a little new shop called being and everythingness, where we are selling things that we have made, right now we have some badge sets and cards with some illustrations by me for sale, go have a peek!!!


I started this Vargas piece a while back and finally finished it, here it is! I have a better picture coming soon!!!


Last weeks new things...

Sunday, 6 January 2013

The Fool

I tattooed my lovely manager Jules this week, The painting is for a tarot set i started painting and never finished.